viernes, 16 de marzo de 2018

Dossier: Cape Town and water supply problems: anthropic action, environment and our world today

On next units, concepts such as anthropic action on the environment, nature, misery, development or unequalieties will become always more and more important. On this sense, we will work on the commentary, under the geographer´s point of view, of two recent news about water supply on Cape Town.

1) Spanish: "Ciudad del Cabo, la agonía de quedarse sin agua", El País, Feb, 12th 2018

2) English: "Why Cape Town is running out of water, and who´s next", National Geographic, March 5th, 2018 

Read both texts and answer these questions:

1- Where Cape Town is? Look for some data about it, in terms of location, population, climate and some History. You can include some drawing or photograph (non less than a page).

2- What is the basically the problem on Cape Town? What are the reasons why the water supply is running out?

3- What is said on the texts, about relationship between enviromental problems and poverty? How could be both of them related? Justify your answer.

4- What is the situation of most of reservoirs and lakes around Cape Town? What other cases in the world are similar to these?

5- Imagine some consecuences of this trouble on a big city, such as Cape Town. Could you guess anything like that on Madrid? Write a fact file (about 10 lines minimum) about a day without water on your life. 

miércoles, 31 de enero de 2018

Unit 5: The Primary Sector

We will prepare this unit with the help of the following presentations:

1) Presentation #1: This will be very useful for the class; it is clear, not too long and includes the main contents of this unit 

2) Presentation #2: Also very good, following very much the  contents in our book.  

3) Presentation #3: Primary sector in Spain

4) Agriculture, in English (good for vocabulary) and very similar to our book

5) All primary sector, a summary in English

Extra and supporting contents:

1) You can watch HERE a video about the "Mar de Plástico" en Almería; an excellent example of the innovative and highly technified agriculture

2) Video about hydroponic agriculture in Japan 

3) Video about fish farming and geodesic domes

lunes, 8 de enero de 2018

Unit 4: Economic activities and geographical spaces

This is our first unit focused to Geography this year, we will work with this discipline from here to June. 

We will prepare this unit with the help of THIS PRESENTATION