lunes, 30 de mayo de 2016

Unit 9 (Geography): Socio-economical inequalities in our world toda

In this unit we shall study some circumstances and problems related with the inequalities in our world today, and the current process of economical and cultural Globalization.

You can prepare this unit through these two presentations:

1) Presentation #1:    Very related with the contents in our book, although sometimes presented in a different order. 

2) Presentation #2: This has the virtue of to present these contents quite clearly; everything is very visual and with a quick overview everything is evident.

In addition of this, here you can find some useful videos:

1- Inequality in our world today

2- Inequality in the U.S.A.: some data

3- Poverty in the U.S.A. (CNN report) 

4- Most expensive luxury mansions in the U.S.A. (commercial)

5- Poverty in London

6- Poverty in Europe (Rome)